International Society for Heart Research

Membership is open to any individual who is actively interested in any aspect of experimental or clinical research in the cardiovascular system. To join the ISHR simply complete the membership form and submit with the appropriate annual fee. Membership runs on a calendar year basis, due each January. Apply for membership using this link.

Advantages of membership include: 

  • reduced registration fees at Section and World Meetings
  • reciprocal membership privileges of other international sections
  • international news bulletin Heart News and Views
  • reduced personal subscription rates to Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
  • eligibility for numerous senior investigator awards
  • young investigator award
  • international conference travel awards (up to 6 years from last graduation)
  • annual scientific travel scholarships for BScHons and PhD students.

Senior members with appropriate academic research standing may be elected as a Fellow of ISHR (FISHR).

ISHR Australasian Section Membership offers basic science cardiovascular researchers (not employed as a clinician) the opportunity to participate in annual scientific meetings that are held in conjunction with the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand at a markedly reduced registration rate.

Due to the long standing relationship with the ISHR Australasian Section, CSANZ members may apply for adjunct ISHR membership and, as full ISHR members, have eligibility for any ISHR award, election to any ISHR office, and may access any ISHR section conference worldwide and the regular ISHR World Congress at greatly reduced conference registration rates (see international activities